Monday, 7 January 2013

Lets do a how to...Backhandspring

It's been a long while since I have done a how to instructional step by step entry on a certain skill and decided the time had come! Since I want to cater to all of my audience I think the best way to start is at more beginner skills before moving on to more advanced tutorials. With that I want to begin with the key to all basic to advanced tumbling lines.. the backhandspring! To start I will break up the backhandspring into a variety of steps and then add some personal tips to help anyone working on this skill!

Step 1: First of all make sure you have stretched and warmed up thoroughly beforehand, stretching out your ankles and wrists and especially your back to help you complete this skill

Step 2: When starting out backhandspringing there are a variety of drills to practice the necessary body positions. The one I reccomend the most in the beginning is jumping back from a sitting position onto a matt, onto your back. By doing this you practice the arch position needed but most importantly the beginning swing and sit which most people find the hardest. Another drill for the pop down is handstand snap downs which also work well for the ending portion of the backhandspring


Step 3: Time to handspring! After working on these drills it's time to try the skill. Whether you try it on the trampoline, matt or floor it is very important to use a spot for safety reasons while larning this skill.The first position you will start in is standing with your arms at your sides just short of 90 degress.

Step 4: From your standing position you will swing your arms down and back. While they are down and back you will begin to go into a semi sitting position.

Step 5: As your arms raise up and back you will begin to leave your sitting position for an arched open body position as you reach back

Step 6: While in the air it is important to keep your body tight and your toes pointed, this will also help you elongate your handspring to avoid doing short up and down handsprings which can be dangerous

Step 7: As your hands touch the ground you will push up into a hollow body position, keeping your muscles tight until you are in an upright position and landed from the handspring


-Tight is Right!!! The tighter you are the easier the skill, this applies to almost every trick in the spectrum!

-Be confident and meditate your backhandspring. Being confident is the key to doing any tumbling, when you are nervous and doubt yourself you also forget what to do because of your nerves often. Meditating your backhandspring helps your mind invision everything you have to do so your brain does not overthink it which can also be a problem.

-Ask for help! It might be embarrssing asking for a spot or assistance but it is much more embarrassing then injuries that require being dragged off to the hospital while getting much more attention!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Pump Up that Playlist

Maybe it's before every practice or when your practicing or my favourite, right before you compete, we all have our favourite songs that get us going for our tricks and tumbling. Through the years my superstition of songs to listen to has faded but there are still many that I listen to that just take the edge of stressful situations for me. A few of my favourites that I reccomend you guys check out include:

1. I've got the magic in me By: B.O.B. - This one helps me because it assures me that with every skill I got it and to be confident and own it!

2. Cupid Shuffle By: Cupid- This one is a classic I have been listening to for years now that is just fun and takes the edge off anything!

3. She's So High By: Tal Bachman- I find myself getting this caught in the back of my mind when I'm tumbling which is good because as you know you guys when it comes to this height is everything, and it encourages me to use my technique to get there

4. It's My Life By: U2- Sometimes you need to get mad and get some emotion to tumble and nothing says that like that song where you just prepare to let out all your frustration into that next trick or line and it never fails to do the job

and finally.......

5. Stronger By: Kanye West- I know total cliche but trust me it works wonders because sometimes you just need that reassurance to attack and this song does it for me

There's many songs that will pump you up and it's a great tool to build energy and reduce tension and stress. I'd love to hear any of your favourite pump up songs in the comments as well for future use so comment away my tumble bunnies!

That New Skill!

As mentioned in my previous posts skills come and go quickly and swiftly. However, there is nothing like the feeling of not only getting but perfecting a new tumble or trick. Pride, fearlessness and most of all happiness come to you all at once of which few other events are equivalent. Along with this I ofound a girl on youtube who has just learned many of the skills I am attempting to learn. This will give you my readers a quick glance at where I am tumbling wise and I hope you will return the favour and tell me where you are at as I wish you all merry tumbling in your new trick attempts!\

The Best Workout and Possibly a Resolution

Being toned and in shape is very important in the tricking and tumbling world. In the cheerleading and tumbling world you can't escape the infamous and insnaely muscular and toned bodies of the cheer athletics athletes. From there toned calves and rocking biceps and especially there abdominal muscles, which few can compare or compete with, they are some of the most fit athletes out there that we could all take example from. The way to these muscles is through their workouts and here is the hidden secret to espceially their abs:

There are many other workouts from various athletes that also work wonders. Not only is being in shape good for a variety of health reasons it will make your gymnastics and cheer routines that much easier not to mention your tumbling passes and tricks that much easier so you are not putting in over the top effort every time. So how do these people get so in shape? Their workouts are the immediate anwser and I want to share them with you as not only is it a good health resolution but it will help you attain those new tricks that you've been dying to get!  Here are a few more workouts that I found extremely good and worked very well, as well as some when your short for time, here they are:
As an aside not the best form of cardio and to be able to complete the tasks at hand without being breathless by far is running! The longer and faster the better! Here is a plan I am in the middle of trying to complete a 5k which I will update you on my progress and I hope you all will try and possibly leave a comment saying how you are faring also.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

There's a Feeling in the Air

So going back to cheer and tumbling this Tuesday is the game plan and boy am I excited! Along with coming back I will have to build up a lot of skill and this is going to be tricky after such a long break from it. Even though it has only been 2 months in the scheme of the tricking and tumbling world if you are a participant you will know how truly long that time period is. It is enough time to earn and lose plenty of skills, win or lose, and make or ruin a career.

I will have to, as excruciatingly annoying as it is, start with the basics and work up making sure I have tight body positions and good technique to reach my former abilities and surpass them. Going back I'm going to be focusing on my air space along with many other fundamentals because it is so very important to know where I am so I don't land with my condition improperly and pop out one of my knees again.

Though this video is older I have been a fan of Melissa, a gymnast from dessert devils gymnastics club, for many years ever since I saw one of her videos on the Saltocafe channel. Although she is insanely talented and fearless her best asset to me is her air sense which many coaches and proffessionals in the industry have commented on. She has the ability to know exactly where she is basically at all times which is crucial in performing tricks and landing safely. Here's a short video of some of her high flying skills with her amazing ari space sense.